Monday, August 28, 2006

RM 17 for SAISAKI buffet

Can you believe it just pay RM 17 for SAISAKI buffet??? Believe it .... last Saturday I went for SAISAKI and only pay RM 17. Why??? coz Jerry pay the rest .... hehehehe

Last Saturday was Jerry convocation. The night before, eugene told me he his the only friend going for Jerry convocation. I see like so cham .. sick also follow along to celebrate with Jerry. About 11.30am we arrived at KDU. Walking to the college eugene saw 2 other Jerry friend. hahah No one will believe no people will attend Jerry convocation. hahhah when Chee Wah arrived he ask "I thought no one will come!!! Kena conned!! " hahhaha

Because of this reason, Chee Wah and "Mark" ask Jerry to treat us buffet. At first is SHOGUN but because Shogun kinda expensive we change to Saisaki and I booked the table. Why I booked the table? My brother want to come for Japanese buffet, so I booked it last Thursday and family trip was cancel .. so Jerry can't so NO

Jerry ... thank you for the BUFFET!!!! and Happy Graduation

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