Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Blogging from Taitung, Taiwan

Day 7 at Taiwan ... enjoying every moment!!! get good news from eugene about my result :D heheh to happy with the result and I get what I want. I mean higher CGPA.

Back to Taiwan trip, kinda bad luck arrive Taiwan keep raining and the weather is not so good. Typhoon is here so many of our plan need to change ... aiiii ... some place cant go.

Many photo wanna upload but lazy so wait me back to Malaysia then onlt I upload. Gonna be busy also after come back ... gonna start work .. prepare .. yc with friend ... bla bla bla

Chio ... c everyone back in Malaysia


Unknown said...

It's not typhoon :p
They're just constant rainings due to the cloud migration from China.

Arron said...

if typhoon i need to go so many place to "visit" alll my frens d..haha